Frequently Asked Questions

Move your career forward at NTS Tire Supply

What is Health Care Reimbursement (QSEHRA)?

QSEHRA, or Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement, provides a reimbursement of health insurance premiums including health sharing ministries and a host of other medical expenses, tax-free!

How many hours will I work each week?

Most positions work between 40 and 50 hours per week. During our peak seasons (March through April and September through October), some positions, such as the Service Truck Operator, may need to work after hours or on the weekend for occasional emergencies.

What do you mean by "Flexible Hours"?

Flexible Hours means you are free to take time off for appointments, family reasons, or just for no reason at all, for an hour or two here and there without having to use up your paid time off. If you need to come in early, work after hours, or work from home to make up for it, that’s up to you to plan and prioritize what works best to get your work done, maintain high performance levels, and collaborate with your peers to ensure your team is never short-handed. This benefit gives you the freedom to plan your days and fit in things that need to be done in our busy lives…while ensuring your team is supported and everyone is happy!

How much paid time off will I get?

In addition to 8 paid holidays, each employee earns 10 days (80 hours) of PTO each year. The PTO accrues on each paycheck (1.54 hours per week). If an employee does not use his or her PTO, it will continue to accrue until it reaches 15 days (120 hours). At this point the employee stops accruing PTO until it drops below 15 days (120 hours).

Which holidays do I get off?

  • New Years Day

  • Memorial Day

  • The 4th of July

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving

  • Christmas

  • +2 Floating Paid Holidays

How do team bonuses work?

All team members are eligible to receive the NTS Tire Supply team bonus. New hires will be eligible for the bonus beginning the first full month after a 90-day introductory period. The bonus, earned from the previous month’s sales, is included on the first payday after the 10th of each month. The bonus is a predetermined amount based on the gross profits invoiced by the company during the previous month. If the invoiced gross profits don’t reach a minimum threshold (breakeven level), no bonus is paid for that month.

The bonus amount increases rapidly as the company moves further beyond the breakeven level. This is a huge motivator to work as a team to maximize productivity and the benefits to all. 

The bonus amount is also tiered based on an employee’s length of service:

  1. Standard (0–2 years)

  2. Pro (2–5 years)

  3. Veteran (5+ years)

Employees who have been with the company longer benefit from their years of work by receiving higher bonus amounts. In some peak months, bonuses can reach more than $5,000 for Veterans!

What is your interview process?

After you submit your application, we will review your resumé. If we believe you’re a potential fit with NTS Tire Supply, we will reach out to schedule an initial interview. Two people from the NTS Tire Supply team will conduct the initial interview, which generally lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. 

After the initial interview, if you appear to be a good fit for the company’s culture and competent for the position, we will request a list of references. We may ask you to set up reference calls with your current and/or former bosses and coworkers. An NTS Tire Supply employee will have conversations with at least 3 to 5 references to validate everything we discussed during the interview. 

During the next step, you will spend some time in the role for which you’ve applied (preferably an entire work day, but this could be less, depending on your availability). This gives you a chance to meet potential coworkers, and vice versa. If you’re a great fit, then we will make an offer of employment. Once accepted, all that’s left is the mountain of paperwork to complete on or before the start date.

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