When it comes to tires, there are times when used can be even better than new, especially when you buy them from a tire dealer committed to matching tires to your application(s) and budget. So, when are used tires a good fit for your operation?

For some people, the word used brings back memories of a “pre-owned” car, with seven air fresheners hanging in the cabin, on the back row of a dealer lot. Or couches covered with cat hair in the basement of the bargain furniture mart.
But when it comes to tires, used can be even better than new, especially when you buy them from a tire dealer committed to matching tires to your application(s) and budget. So, when are used tires a good fit for your operation?
1. When you’re faced with worn out tires on leased equipment.
Who wants to pay a hefty penalty at the end of a lease? When it comes time to turn in your leased tractor or sprayer, the dealership is going to inspect the tires. If they’re worn more than your lease allows, they’re going to ask you to crack open the piggy bank.
Avoid this problem and consider trading those worn tires for a set of used tires that meet the lease’s tread specifications. You’ll receive credit for the used tires you trade, and you’ll likely find replacements for a lot less than the hefty penalty at the dealership.
2. When a single tire bites the dust.
Let’s say the tires are one-third worn on your tillage tractor when the world’s strongest, thickest, sharpest GMO corn stalk slices through one of the tires like a Viking sword. You really don’t want to spend big bucks on a new tire that isn’t going to match the other three that escaped. A quick phone call to a used farm tire dealer, such as NTS Tire Supply, could connect you to a cheaper used tire that will be a close match to the rest of your set. (In reality, we could probably fix the tire in this example with our vulcanized tire repair service, but in the case where a tire can’t be repaired, used is good option.)
3. When a potential buyer loves your used equipment but hates the tires.
It could be the perfect used tractor with even the paint still in mint condition. But if the tires don’t look right to the buyer, that used tractor is only as good as the bargain-row beauty that coughs blue smoke and sounds like it’s eating itself with every shift.
If you find yourself on the selling end of this situation, finding the right used tires could make the deal happen. NTS Tire Supply houses over 4,000 used and takeoff tires, wheels, and hardware covering all major brands and sizes. We have farm tire options ranging from low-tread all the way up to beautiful 95% tread tires. You’ll also find a large stock of new takeoff tires and factory seconds that are virtually like new. If you recommend a good source for used farm tires, or decide to install them yourself before you sell, you could turn a “no deal” into a sale.
Inventory and Service
At NTS Tire Supply, we work closely with you to find tires that match your needs and budget. Sure, there’s a time when a set of brand-new, top-dollar tires is the perfect solution. But when new isn’t the right way to go, we’re not going to tell you that it is. This trust is one reason we have so many long-time customers that turn to us for their ag tire needs. If you’re looking for used tires for one of the three reasons above (or for any reason), check out our online store or drop us a line.